Info to log available to the assigned writer
Foundational Component Area (FCA) Assessment: All students registered in HIST 1301 are required to complete the Foundational Component Area Assessment. The Foundational Component Area Assessment is designed as a summative assessment to determine how well students meet the requirements of the course. For this course, the FCA Assessment will be assigned toward the beginning of the semester and will be completed outside of class time. Students will read ONE primary source from the approved list and complete a written assignment that will cover the foundational component areas of critical thinking, communication skills, social responsibility, and personal responsibility. NO outside sources are to be used for this assignment. Any use of outside materials will result in a zero on the assignment. The FCA Assessment will be submitted via Dropbox in Blackboard, graded using the assignment rubric, and scores will be compiled and reported back to the department. The FCA Assessment will also count as a major grade in the course weighted as 10% of your overall grade.
Foundational Component Area Assessment

Descriiption of Assessment: Students will read a primary source document and complete a written assignment that will cover the foundational component areas of critical thinking, communication skills, social responsibility, and personal responsibility.
Directions: Read and analyze any one of the primary documents found on Blackboard in the Content Section—FCA Assignment. After thoroughly analyzing the letter, answer questions 1-9 below in essay form. Each question should receive its own answer. Your paper should be written in a formal, paragraph-style manner with appropriate citations. Answers may be multiple paragraphs and should be written on the college level. All essays must be submitted to the FCA Dropbox in D2L as a PDF document. Due dates will be posted in Blackboard.
Formatting Requirements:

12 pt Times New Roman Font
Page numbers in lower right corner
Stapled in upper left corner
Contains a cover page (un-numbered with student name and section number)
Word count requirement is a minimum of 250 words (be sure to fully address all questions)
Appropriate Citations (Chicago-style)

If further guidance on writing an essay is required, please reference Patrick Rael’s Reading, Writing, and Researching for History: A Guide for College Students found at
Assessment: Each question will be assessed individually on the following scale: 1- Poor, 2- Below Average, 3- Acceptable, 4- Good, 5- Excellent. Each section will then be scored by combining all possible scores from that section. A final score will be given by combining the scores from all questions and converting that score to a percentage score. The percentage score then will be converted to a point score for the gradebook.
The Twelve Aspects
Critical Thinking: To assess critical thinking, students will answer the following five questions:
Who wrote the document?
Who is the intended audience of the document?
What is the author attempting to illustrate with the document?
Why was the document written?
What can be learned about the culture or mentality that produced this document?
Social Responsibility: To assess social responsibility, including intercultural competence and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities, students will answer the following question:
There are several different cultural groups in the United States other than the one represented by the author of the document. These groups might be regional, national, or global in nature.
(6)Identify one or more of these cultural groups, and
(7) Explain how they might react to this document.
Personal Responsibility: To assess the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision making, students will answer the following question:
(8) Describe an ethical situation presented in the document and
(9) Explain how the author proposes to resolve it.

Communication Skills: To assess written communication skills, students will be evaluated on the answers to the questions indicated above. The evaluation will answer the following three questions:
(10) Did the student use correct grammar and spelling?
(11) Were the student’s ideas clearly expressed?
(12) Did the student logically organize their written response?
**Please be aware that the student only answers Questions 1-9, but the professor will also grade the student on questions 10-12.**

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