How can paintings help awaken our visual senses and awareness? Choose any image

How can paintings help awaken our visual senses and awareness? Choose any image you want from any of our readings so far to illustrate your point. (50 words)
From the section of this modules’s reading called “PERCEPTION KEY: Our Visual Powers”, answer ONE of those four questions in at least 100 words (pages 63-64 of the text itself, but pages 1-2 of the PDF). The images referenced in those questions come from past chapters, so I’ve linked you to those chapters here:
1. Jackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm: Chapter 3
2. Suzanne Valadon, Reclining Nude, Chapter 2
3.Edward Hopper, Early Sunday Morning, Chapter 1
4.Paul Cezanne, Mont Sainte-Victoire, Chapter 2
Describe the six basic principles of traditional painting in your own words. Be sure to look at the paintings referenced under each principle because they will help with your understanding and descriptions! (whatever number of words it takes, but keep it concise).
Now, using the photographs of paintings in the readings we’ve done so far, select an example that illustrates each of the principles, providing a brief description of how. But do not use the examples that the text gives of each principle…you must find your own! So in the end you should have six different examples with brief descriptions. Please use this template for your answer. You can copy and paste the template into your document, or you can just replicate it in your document. This question is worth 5 out of the 10 possible points here!

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