Hope all is well. Great post! Based on your post, social media CRM platform is

Hope all is well. Great post! Based on your post, social media CRM platform is important any business. To add, the idea is social CRM is how customer relationship is manage on a social media platform. It allows for “…engagement fostered by communication with customers through social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.” (Kiwak, 2023) CompanyOne should review CRM social for metrics including traffic, engagement, level of followers, and brand mentions. (Kiwak, 2023) Social CRM allows for traffic to be measure, how many consumer visit business’ sites, what is being viewed. Social CRM allows for engagement through help/support. Social CRM allows for how many active followers a business may have on social media platforms. (Kiwak, 2023) Those social metrics can be used to create consumer touchpoints. Consumer touchpoints are “…all the points at which brands touch consumers’ lives during their relationship. This is the starting point for all customer relationship management (CRM)…” (UMGC, 2023) In short, social CRM can allow for user insights. It allows for business to see what consumers are searching for and what is relevant. (UMGC, 2023)Reference
Kiwak, K. (2023, April). social crm. Retrieved from TechTarget: https://www.techtarget.com/searchcustomerexperience/definition/social-CRM UMGC. (2023). Consumer Touchpoints. Retrieved from leocontent.umgc.edu: https://leocontent.umgc.edu/content/scor/uncurated/mba/2218-mba640/learning-topic-list/understanding-customers.html?ou=922438 UMGC. (2023). User Insights. Retrieved from leocontent.umgc.edu: https://leocontent.umgc.edu/content/scor/uncurated/mba/2218-mba640/learning-topic-list/user-insights.html?o

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