Homework Assignment 5 (Chapters 17 & 18) 1) Please read Case 2 (Revlon for Men)

Homework Assignment 5 (Chapters 17 & 18)
1) Please read Case 2 (Revlon for Men) Case 2 (Revlon for Men) – Alternative Formats and answer questions 1 and 3.
Note: A marketing strategy is based on a target market and 4Ps which are price, product, promotion, and place. If you have a target market and a marketing mix (4Ps) for a specific product, this means that you have a marketing strategy for that market.
2) How should manufacturers deal with consumers immediately after purchase to reduce postpurchase dissonance? What specific action would you recommend, and what effect would you intend it to have on the recent purchaser of the following?
a) Laptop computer
b) Expensive watch
c) Corrective eye surgery

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