History of Photography – how did these people/inventions/movements influence pho

History of Photography – how did these people/inventions/movements influence photography. Include dates
Write /discuss – use bullet points (10 sentences each / ~1/2 page each) :
Alfred Stieglitz
Edward Steichen
Write /discuss – use bullet points (5 sentences each / ~1/4 page each) : include dates
Peter Henry Emerson views on photography and Henry Peach RobinsonWhat did Emerson mean by ‘straight’ photography
Photo-Secessionist Movement- inside AND outside of the United Statesbriefly discuss the Art Secessionist movement
Write /discuss – use bullet points(4 sentences )
the Impressionist artists and Pictorialist photographers both challenged the Establishment-how did they challenge the Establishment,
how did they influence each other’s movement

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