Here is your fourth text analysis. Download the attached PDF document, and follo

Here is your fourth text analysis. Download the attached PDF document, and follow all instructions. In that PDF, you will find an extract from your assigned reading. Your tasks in this assignment are as follows:
• to identify the work from which the passage was drawn;
• to provide an overview of the historical and cultural context in which the work first appeared;
• to situate the passage in the context of the work from which it was drawn;
• to explain the importance of the passage to the work as a whole, and
• to critique the passage and the work.
Here is a checklist of minimal requirements. Make sure your submission meets all of the REQUIREMENTS, and none of the DISQUALIFIERS before you upload your assignment. A disqualifier means I won’t read your submission, and it will not be eligible for a grade.
□ My analysis is exactly five paragraphs long.
□ I have written exactly one paragraph for each of the assigned tasks.
□ My name is on the first line of the submission.
□ The name of my submission (“Text Analysis 4”, or whatever) is on is on the second line of the submission.
□ My analysis is less than 600 words in length.
□ My analysis is more than 900 words in length.
□ I did not put my name on my assignment.
□ I submitted an assignment in PDF format.
□ I submitted an assignment in .pages format.

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