Hello, I have attached the original instructions. This is my last essay so it co

Hello, I have attached the original instructions. This is my last essay so it counts for the most points. I have a thesis statement i will be going to write i will attach when i am done. I also have an outline i need to create, Idk if it will be better for you to do it so the outline and thesis statement will be relating to the essay 4.
I first will need a draft of the essay 4 due on 11/27 week 14.
then i will need a revision based on my professors comments and final essay due on 12/13 week 16.
I will need to use 2 articles i will provide links for, Two authors of chapters I have read from my paper copy book this semester (i can provide pictures of book), and then I will find one article from the MXCC library online relating to the topic and provide the link.

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