The Art of Negotiation
1. You are presenting to the Board of your chosen company (actual or fictitious) to investigate the opportunities a new market and office location in another country could provide for your company. Write a persuasive memo to the Board as an executive leader highlighting why your organization needs a new market and office location in this new country.
The memo should be no more than five pages long.
Use a memo-style format.
For this memo, you will find templates either in MS Word or in Google.
Incorporate the necessary information and use persuasive techniques to highlight the opportunities beyond increased financial impact
Create a visual depiction (chart, diagram, infographic, etc.) with information about the negotiation process, strategy, or tips.
2( POWERPOINT PRESENTATION) detailed speaker notes and research
As shown in the resources, having good negotiation skills is essential for all executives and at a variety of levels. Now you will demonstrate what you determine as the most influential components and publish the SCRIPT. TedTalks are approximately persuasive, inspiring, and influential. For the deliverable, you will create a persuasive SCRIPT, between 12-15 DETAILED SLIDES on the art of negotiation for executives. Using the information from the sources you found most beneficial about negotiation and incorporating your personal communication skills, produce a video that is highly influential about negotiation techniques, tips, skills, and a section specific to the art of negotiation for leaders at the executive level in your organization or the one you have selected. Consider the insights you gained from the formative assessments as the basis for which techniques, tips, and skills were most effective in your personal art of negotiation, as what works for others may not work as well for you. Specific examples and anecdotes are a significant portion of most TedTalks for a reason.You should upload the written script into the assessment and the link for the video can be placed at the top of the document. The script should be used to ensure ADA compliance in your video published on YouTube. You do not need to follow APA formatting for the script, but you should cite your references at the end of the script and a slide should be provided at the end of the video for references.
Items for submission:
Negotiation Script (POWERPOINT),I will work on the video. need enough information for 20min presentation
MATERIAL TRASK and Deguire, negotiating genuinely Kopelman, Movius and SUSSKIND 2009, Gino Blefara, Brett 2007, the art of win win

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