GROUP PROJECT – WLDC202 – FALL 2023 The group project is aimed at addressing a g

The group project is aimed at addressing a global challenge affecting individuals, societies
or the planet through the lens of arts or culture. It will be conducted in groups of 3 students. The
group project is divided into 3 parts: 1) a research paper; 2) a creative solution and reflection page;
3) a group presentation.
1.- The research paper has to focus on the study and analysis of a global issue or challenge
affecting individuals, societies or the planet. The global issue that you choose as a group should
be original and out of the box. Instead of focusing on climate change as a global phenomenon, you
should focus, for example, on its effects in a certain place. This means that the research should be
focused on a certain context, as that will make the project specific and unique. The research paper
should be between 2000 and 2200 words long and it should refer at least to 6 reliable written
resources: book chapters or journal articles.
Once you decide on the global issue you will focus on, the research will be conducted by
all the group members, individually, in class. First, the group will choose six reliable sources to
analyze the problem they are working on. These can be from journal articles, books or long
newspaper articles. You will show me these materials in class so that I can check them and agree
on their suitability. Then, each of the group members will choose two of the six texts, study them
well at home, and come in to class on a specific date to write a summary about them. During that
class session, each of you will write a summary of the 2 readings that the group assigned to you
and you will hand them in to the professor as proof of research. We will have only one such session.
If you attend this session and write a complete and appropriate summary that shows deep
knowledge and interaction with your 2 readings, you will receive 3 points of the research paper
After this session, you will get together with the group, and with the knowledge you have
acquired in the research session, you will write together a research paper of between 2000 and
2200 words. You will submit this paper to the professor. In it you will summarize what you learned
collectively from the global issue and you will refer at least to the 6 sources you have focused on
your research (2 per student).
In addition, you must include in your research paper an explanation of the creative solution
that you plan to develop to solve the issue that you are tackling in your project. In the course we
will explore the role of arts and culture as a tool for social transformation and innovation. As for
the creative solution you can use any form of art such as paintings, graffiti, movies, essays,
speeches, poems, songs, sculptures, architectural projects, etc. to make others aware of the problem
and inspire change. The reference to the creative solution is only presented tentatively at this point
and it will be discussed with the professor before actually developing it in the second part of the
project. The reference to the creative solution should be included at the end of the research paper
and it should be between 100 and 200 words. These words can be counted as part of the 2000-
2200. Just to clarify, in these 200 words you should explain what artistic or cultural solution you
plan to create, and discuss how your solution will impact the people affected by the problem and
bring about social innovation.
The research paper will be graded according to the rubric and it represents 7% of the project
grade. The remaining 3% goes to the in-class research session that I explained above.
use the articles given in the attachment
sources should be from the articles given

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