Go to the War in Raqqa report and follow these steps: Scroll through the introdu

Go to the War in Raqqa report and follow these steps:
Scroll through the introduction, paying careful attention to the “rhetoric” used about the bombing and the “reality of the bombing”
When you reach the bottom of the page, click on one of the options: Experience Stories, Explore Cases, or See People and explore. You may want to do an in-depth exploration of one of the three, or check out a few stories, cases, and people. Please note that multimedia report contains upsetting content about death and destruction.
After you have thoroughly explored War in Raqqa, write a 500-word response, addressing the following questions:
How was the language of saving lives used to justify the bombing and cover up civilian deaths?
Do you think a belief in the justness of the bombing made the civilian loss of life a secondary concern?
How did the report make you question the language of accuracy and precision that is used to talk about aerial bombardment?
What struck you most about the report? Did it change what you thought about humanitarian militarism
In 200-300 words total respond to a fictional peer response similar to yours with follow-up questions or by telling them how their response helped you understand the effects of humanitarian militarism.

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