FYI, your job is to do the following: (1) Revise “plot_points()” so that it can

FYI, your job is to do the following:
(1) Revise “plot_points()” so that it can display three classes (i.e, the three iris types) with different colors and shapes.
(2) Call “plot_mode()” with two features (out of the four features). As you are going to have six pairs of two features, you will generate six plots.
Regarding “display_tree(),” if you have difficulty in using other ready-made visualization packages, you can just use “display_tree()” in the original Graphical_example.ipynb. Please let me know if you need further clarification.
(1) you were asked to display scatter plots for the three classes, each of which has a different color and shape.
(2) you were asked to display decision trees with different depth values (say, 1, 2, or 3 for example).
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