Ford is the chosen organization for this presentation, Provide speaker notes. An

Ford is the chosen organization for this presentation, Provide speaker notes.
Analyze the details, latest annual report, latest news, review competitor information, etc. about your chosen organization.
You may also want to visit the websites for your chosen organization and its competitors for more information and observation.
You are the director of strategy and business intelligence for your chosen organization. You are analyzing strategic options for a proposal you will make to C-level executives of your organization. In the future, you will use the results of your management and leadership decisions in the strategic planning process. Use the following criteria to analyze and propose strategic business decisions for your organization.
Assignment Requirements: Deliver a strategic decision-making verbal presentation to the C-level executives of your chosen organization. You will formulate strategic business decisions from a management, leadership, and organizational design perspective with a focus on expansion and growth efforts. Address each of the following inquiries in your deliverable:
Introduction & Purpose
Introduce your chosen organization and purpose of the presentation in a high-level overview using informational research resources.Provide details about your chosen organization, including an analysis of its brand, the industry sector in which the organization operates, and the organizational vision, mission, and values.
Provide a high-level synopsis of the organizational design of your chosen organization.
Provide a statement detailing the purpose of your presentation.
Strategic Decision-Making Process
Analyze processes for making strategic business decisions.Develop a thesis statement addressing the differences between management and leadership decision-making.
Explain how management and leadership decision-making abilities are used in the strategic planning process.
Distinguish between making strategic, administrative, and operational decisions (based on Ansoff’s theory) from the perspective of a manager and a leader.
Explain the impact that management and leadership attributes have on strategic decision-making.
Identify, research, and explain a decision-making process that is useful in strategic decision-making.
Strategic Decision-Making
Analyze a scenario that requires strategic decision-making abilities.Use brainstorming techniques to create a new product idea that enhances the strategic position of your chosen organization using the results of the strategic evaluation previously conducted.
Research and identify a domestic or international market to launch your new product idea for your chosen organization.
Explain how your strategic decisions about the new product idea and chosen market will improve the organization’s competitive advantage.
Management, Leadership, & Organizational Design
Formulate strategic decisions from a management, leadership, and organizational design perspective.Identify one management theory and concisely explain its application and value in the strategic decision-making process for your new product idea and chosen market.
Identify one leadership theory and concisely explain its application and value in the strategic decision-making process for your new product idea and chosen market.
Based on Mintzberg’s parameters of organizational design, explain its application and value in the strategic decision-making process for your new product idea and chosen market.
Formulate strategic decisions using your chosen management and leadership theories within Mintzberg’s parameters of organizational design.
Verbal Narration Requirements
Produce an oral narration on each PowerPoint® slide.Speak with confidence and demonstrate full knowledge of the content matter on each slide.
Verbally substantiate your critical thinking and provide viable reasoning for all of your perspectives using research resources.
Verbally address and target the appropriate audience with your content to persuade strategic decision-making.
Use fluctuations in the volume of your voice to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points.
Presentation Design Requirements
Develop a professionally designed presentation.Use a design template to format your presentation.
Develop PowerPoint slides containing concise content, images, diagrams, and charts, using the template provided.
Produce notes that explain the content on each PowerPoint slide.
Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic research resources.
Write content in third person.
Apply proper APA style citation and reference format.
You should make thorough use of the MindTools platform and the Library to complete this deliverable. You are the professional and will need to determine how many slides and how long the presentation should be to meet the requirements of this assignment. You are capable of doing professional research (above and beyond the resources provided) and making strategic decisions at this level of your degree program. Take the initiative to be the problem solver and strategic decision-maker.

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