For your final project, you will write the first two steps in what is known as a

For your final project, you will write the first two steps in what is known as a research proposal. This will be the beginning of the process for designing a complete research experiment. You will not collect any data. Your written paper will include the following steps:
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Final Project Outline:
I. Title page
II. Abstract
III. Introduction
IV. Literature Review – 2-3 pages introducing your topic and providing an overview of
the key variables in your experiment as discovered through the analysis of your articles from your
V. Reference page– presented in APA format
Revising your work is a vital part of the research process. Each week you will be expected to read your grading feedback and address any needed revisions.
In your abstract be sure to summarize key points from your introduction, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, and treatment conditions.
After your introduction, include a literature review that relates to your procedures. Introduce your research question, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, and treatment conditions again in the first paragraph. This will be repeated in each section.
APA formatting: Remember that references must match citations.
Final Project Grading CriteriaMaximum Points
Title page
Literature Review
Reference page – correct APA format
Grammar, spelling, proper attribution of sources, and correct APA format
It will be beneficial for you to read all of the pointers below:
Parenthetical (In-Text) Citations
A parenthetical (in-text) citation is when you place the source in parenthesis ( ) right after the sentence you cited instead of waiting until the end of the paper. It helps the reader to know exactly what sentences and paragraphs are taken from particular sources. You must cite ANYTIME you are presenting information that is not common knowledge.
Place the author’s name and the source’s date of publication in parentheses immediately after the end of the cited material. If it is a direct quote, include the page number as well. For example:”Psychology is defined as the science of behavior and mental processes” (Coon, 2012 p. 12).
If you have paraphrased the information then you do not need to include quotation marks. For example: Psychology is a scientific field that specifically studies both mental processes and the associated behaviors (Coon, 2012).
Helpful Tips
Always use spell and grammar check
Make sure you indented the paragraphs (5 spaces in)
Balance – Each paragraph should be similar in length
Review the APA video and resource in Student Resources under Course Home
You can send your paper to the Keiser OWL (Online Writing Lab) for review and to ask for help.

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