For this discussion, you will discuss how an airline is currently using social m

For this discussion, you will discuss how an airline is currently using social media—effectively or inefficiently.
First, review the section in Chapter 11 titled “Airline Best Practices in Driving Revenue Through Social Media.” Choose an airline’s social media that is not mentioned in the reading. Then, review the airline’s social media(s).
Once you have reviewed your airline of choice’s social media, please answer the following questions:
Is the airline using social media effectively? Why or why not?
What could that airline do differently or better to create more revenue through social media?
What are the key challenges faced by airlines in implementing personalized passenger marketing?
Are there any untapped opportunities or emerging trends in this area that could shape the future of airline marketing strategies?
Air Transportation A Global Management Perspective ByJohn Wensveen 9th Edition ISBN: 9780367364489 (hbk) ISBN: 9780367364472 (pbk) ISBN: 9780429346156 (ebk)
Chapter 11:#Mastering the Art of Airline Social Media

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