For this discussion, you should locate a web article that you will analyze. A web article is a persuasive text, hosted on the internet and uses digital elements like hyperlinks, videos and images.
Then, after you find a web article, you will conduct an analysis of the article. Your analysis should discuss seven specific aspects:
The opening attention grabber (How does the article start? Is the opening interesting and engaging? Does it seem to appeal to a certain audience?
The statement of the main topic or focus (Where in the article does the author explain what they will be discussing? Is it specifically stated or implied?)
Background information (What background information is provided so that readers can understand what is being discussed? Is this enough background information or is more needed? Is it assumed that the readers already have some knowledge of the topic? How do you know?)
Preview of where the article is heading (Does the article provide a preview of what will be discussed throughout the article? Is this preview necessary and/or effective? Why do you think this?
The use of visuals (What sorts of visuals are included? Here, you might discuss images, photos, videos, colors, etc. Are the visuals effective for the audience and purpose? Where are they placed and does this placement make sense given the written content?)
Page design (How is the page designed? Does the article use columns? Paragraphs? Bullet points? Lists? Is the information centered, left-aligned, right-aligned, or a combination? Do you have to scroll to see the information or is it contained on the screen at one time? How does this design impact your experiences as a reader?)
Use of support/sources (How does the author use sources to support their argument? What kinds of evidence or references are used? How often is the author summarizing/paraphrasing vs. using direct quotations? How does the author cite their sources? How does the author make their argument without letting the sources dominate the text?)
include a link to the article you’re discussing
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