For this assignment, you will conduct a food recall. You will begin by identifyi

For this assignment, you will conduct a food recall. You will begin by identifying a person (neither yourself nor a classmate) of whom you will ask a series of questions pertaining to his or her food intake (diet). Then, you will record and reflect on the information you gathered, addressing prompts that pertain to your participant and yourself.
This is a two-part activity. For the first part of the activity, you will identify a person (ideally, an older adult, but neither yourself nor a classmate) to ask a series of questions pertaining to their food intake (diet) over the past 24 hours. For the second part, you will record and reflect on the information you gathered, addressing prompts that pertain to your participant and yourself.
After completing the Module Two assigned readings, complete the following two-part activity (adapted from Exhibit 3 in Chapter 3 of your textbook).
Identify a person willing to answer some questions about their eating habits over the past 24 hours. Keep in mind that, ideally, you will be able to interact with an older adult for this activity; thus, you should not use yourself or a classmate as your “participant.”
Next, create a table or list to record information (refer to Exhibit 3 in your textbook or the template below). Then, ask the following questions of your participant:What foods or drinks did you consume?
How much did you eat? (i.e., not enough, a reasonable amount, too much)
Where did you eat? (e.g., home, office, car)
Who with? (e.g., a family member, friend, alone)
What were you doing? (i.e., activity)
What was your emotional state? (e.g., happy, sad, anxious)
Take some time to reflect on the information you have collected, then address the following critical elements:Provide specific and detailed information regarding the participant’s eating habits for Questions A through F (above).
Describe barriers to change that might exist for this participant. Use content-based vocabulary in your discussion.
Describe barriers to change that might relate specifically to age. (In the case of a younger participant: What new barriers might this participant face while aging?) You should include specific examples and use course vocabulary in your response.
Explain why it is difficult to change health behavior, using food and diet as an example. Include specific examples and use course vocabulary in your response.
Describe some parallels to your own eating habits. (What barriers to change exist in your life?) Use examples from the readings in your explanation.
Person Interviewed:
Food/Beverage Consumed
How Much Did You Eat/Drink?
Where Did You Eat?
Who Did You Eat With?
What Were You Doing at the Time?
What Was Your Emotional State?
What to Submit
Your paper should be approximately 2 pages in length, including the food recall table (or list) and your reflection/responses to the questions. The reflection piece must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. If you choose to directly reference material from the readings, use APA style.
Textbook: Health Promotion and Aging: Practical Applications for Health Professionals, Chapters 3 and 7
As you read Chapter 3, consider the unique challenges for health behavior related specifically to aging and older adults.
As you read Chapter 7, think about the ways in which issues such as smoking, alcohol use and abuse, and injury prevention are challenging for the aging population.
Requirements: 2 pages

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