For this assignment, write a 700 to 750-word essay on the early post-World War I

For this assignment, write a 700 to 750-word essay on the early post-World War II period in one or both of the films for this module.
For the films, you should view the Strategic Air Command(1955) and Dr. Strangelove(1964).
You may use the prompts questions for the discussion
*** For this week, the discussion questions are: How are these films different from each other regarding their approach to the post-War/Cold War period? Both represent the Strategic Air Command–in what different ways? Why do you think the earlier film choose baseball as the main character’s passion (outside of planes)? How do the films depict nationalism as a positive or negative (or at least ambivalent) value? Why does Kubrick use satire in Dr. Strangelove? What do you think of how the film presents the atomic bomb and the bomber?
and you may write about the same topic you wrote about in the discussion; your work, however, should be new and/or expanded (do not copy your discussion post into your essay). Since the films are radically different, it may make sense to stick to only one of them. Ensure you focus on particular characters and/or scenes in the film you write about. You need to be specific in your support for your thesis statement.
Essay Guidelines
Your essay should have five paragraphs, with an introduction and conclusion and three body paragraphs. Be sure to have a thesis statement for your essay and to put it at the end of your introduction paragraph. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence.
You should use at least one outside source from our class readings for this essay.
*** I will attach the 2 pdf files for outside sources. You can use it for this essay.
Each module has short readings. The choice is yours, as long as the quote or reference is pertinent to your writing. You will not need outside sources not listed in your readings. When quoting from an essay or article, be sure to use quotation marks and put the page number and last name of author in parentheses after the quote. If you are paraphrasing (summarizing in your own words), be sure to put the page number(s) for the idea and the author’s name in parentheses after your comment.
For example, if you are making a claim about how the aviator is depicted in a film, you may choose three scenes and present specifics about them. You do not need to reference anything specific for using scenes or dialogue in the films. On the other hand, you may discuss two to three characters, with specifics about each, comparing and contrasting them (to each other, to characters from other films we have seen).
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or descriiption). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Be sure to spend time revising and proofreading your essay for spelling, grammar, style issues, and organization. Be sure to double space your essay and to have a title that relates to your topic. All paragraphs should be at least 4-5 sentences long. Film titles should always be in italics. The director and year of a film should be given the first time you mention the film.

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