FIRST ASSIGNMENT Now that you have read the chapter and viewed chapter PowerPoin

Now that you have read the chapter and viewed chapter PowerPoint slides:
(2 pts) WRITE ONE OR TWO PARAGRAPHS about the discussion topic, for this week:
Answering the question “Explain how written communication is similar to oral communication, and how it is different.” Please post specific examples from the reading that you found significant about this topic, as it helps define or contribute to Business Communications. Support your answers with examples from the textbook, current events, life experiences, or other forms of media.
(1 pts) AND THEN reply to another class members post to get full credit for this participation, for this module. (please type a response that is thoughtful and not just “That’s great” or “I agree”)
Example Topic: According to Chapter 4, oral and written forms of communication are similar in many ways. They both rely on the basic communication process, which consists of eight essential elements: source, receiver, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context, and interference. They both may have some common characteristics, yet when we are asked to write something, we often feel anxious and view writing as a more effortful, exacting process than talking would be.
Let’s recap: Remember that in order to form a contract the parties must have a “meeting of the minds.” In other words, there must be an agreement to form a contract. Accordingly, the element of intent is of prime importance. In contract law, intent is determined by what is called the objective theory of contracts, not by the personal or subjective intent or belief of a party. The facts are interpreted by a reasonable person standard (rather than by the party’s own secret, non-spoken, or subjective intentions) such as what the party said when entering the contract and the circumstances surrounding the transaction.
Discussion Post
For this assignment, respond to the following: (1) Is it fair for a court to hold that parties are bound in contract even though one of the parties later claims that they did not intend to form a contract? (2) Generally, should the courts give more weight to subjective intent in determining whether a contract has been formed? Why or why not. (Please include what is meant by “subjective intent” in your response.)
Please completely address each question above in your post, worth 40 points; for an additional 10 points, opine/answer to TWO of your classmate’s post. (Note, agreeing or disagreeing without giving reasons why will result in 0 points out of the 10 additional points.)

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