Final Project – Chapters 25-30 The Final Project asks that you prepare a present

Final Project – Chapters 25-30
The Final Project asks that you prepare a presentation using either PowerPoint, Prezi, or Wix to discuss a topic from Chapters 25-30. Please see the instructions in the Learning Module on how to prepare one of these. Be sure to use the sources you found for Annotated Bibliography, if the topic you used was from the chapters above, but you may also include others as well. There is a minimum of six sources: Three secondary sources and three primary sources but there is not a limit to the amount used. They should also come from the FSW databases available, just like our first assignment and the textbook cannot be used as one of these sources. However, if you go beyond the six from the databases then you can gather the remaining from outside peer-reviewed sources (just don’t use Wikipedia). Your presentation, regardless of the option chosen, should have a minimum of 1000 words within it (not a separate paper) and include parenthetical citations using APA format. Your title information and citation page do not count toward that amount.
Choose one of the following options to complete your assignment. Remember that they need to be from Chapters 25-30.
Compare and contrast two individuals. For example, you could compare and contrast Hitler and Stalin or Reagan and Gorbachev. Consider what types of leaders they were, their successes and failures, how they changed history, and how they are perceived today.
Discuss an event from the Cold War (excluding the Korean or Vietnam Wars). Review events from the modules for some topic suggestions. Consider why the event occurred, which individuals may have been involved, how the event ended, the repercussions, and how it is perceived today.
Select one country and discuss how it changed after World War II through the present day. Consider various aspects including politics, economy, and how individual roles changed in society.
Select one individual that made a difference in World History. Consider their successes and failures, the change they made in their country and world, and if they have left an impression that resonates today.
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Final Project
Final Project
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNarrative QualityPresentation is constructed well and engages through narrative and the usage of imagery. Quotations are used wisely and sparingly.
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResourcesIncludes use of the required sources including three primary sources and three secondary sources. *The texbook does not count as one of these sources
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitationsAll sources are cited correctly and consistently with the text using APA style. Includes a properly formatted bibliography. Both quotations and paraphrased ideas are cited. Failure to Cite = 0 for the entire assignment, per syllabus.
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation & OrganizationArgument is clear. Includes supporting facts from reliable sources. Information is well organized and includes an introduction, body, and a conclusion.
Less than 10% plagiarism. Please see your Turnitin report and fix any errors if your percentage is higher. Higher ratings will be reviewed and if plagiarism is evident, the assignment will receive a 0.
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistorical AnalysisEvaluates the historical impact of the topic. Assimilates the materials and provides logical conclusions.
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
Total Points: 100

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