FFor this assignment, select any literary work from the assigned reading list. A

FFor this assignment, select any literary work from the assigned reading list. After
providing a brief summary of the literary work (no more than two sentences), assess the
literary work’s strengths and weaknesses, and devote the rest of the paper to arguing
why the literary work is important to American Literature.
This assignment will require two outside sources minimum (five outside sources
maximum). One of the outside sources must come from a Walters State Community
College database. This assignment will also require at least one direct quote from the
selected literary work, but no more than three direct quotes from the selected literary
work. The direct quote or direct quotes must come from the Norton Anthology American
Literature 10th edition anthology. Since this assignment requires outside sources, it must
conclude with a works cited page.
Any assignment produced by or with AI software (i.e. ChatGPT) will not be accepted for
a grade.
Writing it on “Judith Sargent Murray “On the Equality of the Sexes”

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