Evidence-based practice is an important part of nursing practice. Nurses not onl

Evidence-based practice is an important part of nursing practice. Nurses not only engage in the research processes to create evidence-based practice guidelines and studies around those guidelines, but also rely on the published guidelines and studies in the literature when providing nursing care to patients.
Please use the online library at Herzing or another scholarly article database to find one current (less than five years old), peer-reviewed journal article related to one of the skills you are learning and practicing in lab this week.
The article can be related to current evidence-based practice guidelines or a study related to the skill in an attempt to develop new or revised evidence-based practice guidelines/procedures/equipment or supplies for that skill.
In your discussion, provide a summary paragraph of the article that you reviewed with at least three key points from the article that directly impact nursing practice.
This may include a discussion about why current nursing practice is supported by your article or what changes the article suggests to current nursing practice and the rationale for those changes based on the published article.
You must also attach a PDF or HTML copy of the full-text article with your discussion response or provide the HTML link to the full-text article.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

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