Essay 1
ENG 11011
Transform the Diagnostic writing sample from week 1 into a formal essay. Whatever you
wrote, shrink it down to four paragraphs; then, add two new paragraphs (HBO &
SPWON) to form a single academic essay that follows the directions below. Please do
not write an entirely new essay. Keep as much of the original essay as possible and add
to (if necessary) the work you have already done.
• 6 paragraphs: introduction, HBO (history/background/overview), 2 main points*,
SPWON (suggestion/prediction/warnings/options/next steps), & conclusion.
• Add a hook at the top of the introduction and recast the hook at the end of the
• All paragraphs must at least 8 sentences long.
• Add thesis at end of introduction.
• Add thesis restatement at beginning of the conclusion.
• Add topic sentences & paragraph summary sentences to all body paragraphs.
• Create an academic title.
• Add section headings for each of the 6 parts.
• Follow format of the sample essay.
• Remove first person (“I” statements), second person (“you”), & contractions (don’t,
can’t, won’t).
*If more than 2 paragraphs were written for the body, choose the two best ones.
No research should be done. If there was any research or quotations in the Diagnostic from
week 1, remove them.
Turn In
• Title page
• Outline
• 6 paragraph essay with headers atop every page and 6 section headings
This essay will be turned in as two versions: draft and revision. Both earn points. Turning
in the paper only once or turning in the revision before the draft has been graded will
earn only the draft score. This paper should follow the format of the sample essay on
Writing Process
1. Transform the Diagnostic from week 1 into a four-paragraph essay: introduction, two body
paragraphs, and a conclusion. (Some people will have to add paragraphs; some will have to
remove them.) The goal is to end up with two body paragraphs that have a clear focus so that
both body paragraphs are unified and cover only one side of the issue.
2. Create two new paragraphs, which will become the second and fifth paragraphs.
The second paragraph should be about the History, Background, or an Overview of the
topic. It should offer two things the reader should know about the history, background,
or overview of the subject of the entire paper. We will call this the HBO paragraph.
The fifth paragraph will be the SPWON paragraph. It should give two Suggestions,
Predictions, Warnings, Options, or Next Steps about the issue covered. The final essay
will have six paragraphs in the order shown below.
Body 1
Body 2
3. Once the essay has been adjusted to include the six paragraphs above, then follow the bullet
points on the Format section on page one. Make all paragraphs 8 sentences. Add the key
sentences to the essay (thesis, thesis restatement, topic sentences, paragraph summary
sentences, and 2 subtopic sentences in each paragraph). If necessary, fix the title and add
section headings. Finally, make sure the essay is double-spaced, that the first line of each
paragraph is indented, and that “I,” “you,” and contractions are removed.
4. Create an outline for the essay so that each body paragraph is summarized in at least two
main points. You do not have to include the introduction or the conclusion in the outline. See
page 2 of the sample essay. Use Roman numbers and capital letters.
5. Create a title page for the essay as shown in the sample essay.
6. Add a header to each page with the short title, your family name, and page #.
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