Elder abuse refers to a variety of harmful actions directed at older people, suc

Elder abuse refers to a variety of harmful actions directed at older people, such as physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, financial exploitation, neglect, and abandonment. It’s a hidden but prevalent problem that individuals in positions of trust frequently perpetuate. Raising awareness, improving support systems, and enforcing severe legal measures are critical to defending older people’s dignity, well-being, and rights, ensuring they live safely and with respect in their later years. Based on the case study, we can figure out the different types of abuse that Gram faces in her everyday life.
Financial abuse
Jack uses Gram’s credit card to purchase golf clubs, beer, and other items for himself, which she does not use or consume. Further, he threatens to stop buying groceries if she complains about the misuse of the credit card.
Emotional/ psychological abuse
Jack yells at Gram, calling her “crazy,” “old,” and “lazy,” which can create emotional anguish, seriously jeopardizing psychological and emotional health. Additionally, Jack threatens to move Gram into a retirement home if she does not allow him continuous use of her credit cards, anguishing her mental health.
Physical Abuse
Jack forcibly pushes Gram aside, causing her to tumble to the ground and suffer minor injuries.
Jack intentionally stops to pick up Gram’s crucial medications, such as blood thinner and anti-hypertensive, causing blood pressure to increase unpredictably, disregarding her health requirements, and violating their agreement.
Prevention of Abuse
Gram must protect her finances by cancelling her credit card and arranging for prescribed medication delivery directly to her home. A trusted third party or family member might monitor Jack’s caregiving duties. In this case, the Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA), which is dedicated to raising awareness and preventing elder abuse, should be contacted for a wellness check and to talk about possible treatments. Additionally, the Advocacy Center for the Elderly (ACE), a community-based legal clinic for low-income older adults, can provide legal counsel to set clear boundaries and repercussions for Jack’s activities.
Elder Abuse Prevention in Society
Abuse prevention is a collaborative effort among the family, individuals, legal resources, and care worker team. Raising awareness of elder abuse and its symptoms through community programmes can aid in the early discovery of the problem. Encourage regular check-ins by family members or professional carers to safeguard the older adults’ well-being. To prevent future abusers, tougher legal consequences for elder abuse should be established.
Personal and Professional Application of Learning
In my life, I will keep the lines of communication open with older adults’ family members and advocate for their well-being. Professionally, I will remain aware of indicators of elder abuse and quickly report any concerns reflecting my personal and cultural biases and developing cultural humility. In addition, I will campaign for legislation that safeguards older people in any way I can in future roles I may hold.

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