EDUU 350 Classroom Observation Alternate Assignment 1. View a reading video for

EDUU 350 Classroom Observation Alternate Assignment
1. View a reading video for the first classroom observation (see link below)
2. View a math video for the second classroom observation (see link below)
Teaching Reading K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices
For each observation you will gather data on the approaches the teacher uses to create a positive learning environment, engage students in learning and assess students’ knowledge and skills. You will want to review Ormrod, chapters 12, 13 and 14 prior to completing the observations.
For each observation you will do the following:
1. Gather Data from the Teacher Observation
a. What approaches does the teacher use to create a positive learning environment?
(see Chapter 13 for descriiptions of these approaches)
i. Arranging the Classroom
ii. Establishing and Maintaining Productive Teacher-Student Relationships
iii. Creating an Effective Psychological Climate
iv. Setting Limits
v. Planning Activities that keep students on task
vi. Monitoring what students are doing
vii. Modifying instructional strategies
viii. Taking developmental differences into account
ix. Taking individual differences into account
x. Dealing with misbehaviors
1. Ignoring certain behaviors
2. Cueing students
3. Discussing problems privately with students
4. Teaching self-regulation
5. Conferring with parents
6. Conducting planned and systematic interventions
b. What instructional strategies does the teacher use to engage and support students in learning? (See Chapter 12 for descriiptions of these strategies)
i. Teacher Directed Instructional Strategies
• Providing Lectures
• Using Textbooks
• Asking questions and giving feedback
• Providing practice through in-class assignments
• Giving homework
• Conducting Direct Instruction
• Promoting Mastery
• Using Instructional Websites
• Using Technology to Individualize Instruction
ii. Learner Directed Instructional Strategies
• Stimulating and Guiding Class Discussions
• Conducting Reciprocal Teaching Sessions
• Conducting Discovery and Inquiry Activities
• Using Computer Simulations and Games
• Conducting Cooperative Learning Activities
• Structuring Peer Tutoring Sessions
• Conducting Technology-Based Collaborative Learning Activities
c. What strategies does the teacher use to assess student’s knowledge and skills?
(See Chapter 14 for descriiptions of these strategies)
• Informally observing students’ behavior
• Using paper-pencil assessments
• Using performance assessments
• Accommodating group differences
• Accommodating students with special needs
d. In what ways did the teacher apply learning theories to support students?
(See Chapters 2 & 3 for descriiptions of these theories)
• Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
• Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development
• Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development
• Kolhberg’s Theory of Moral Development
2. Complete and Submit the Classroom Observation Form (with the exception of the “school/community context”).

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