Each week, you will be asked to compose a written response that engages a series

Each week, you will be asked to compose a written response that engages a series of analytical and reflective discussion questions about the week’s reading and media assignments. These responses will vary in length between 2-3 long paragraphs and 3-4 short paragraphs, but you should aim for about 200-300 word responses for each question (roughly 600-900 words overall). You can write your response as a set of point-by-point answers to the questions below, or you could write a long response that addresses each question. Your response should integrate at least 3 quotes from the reading, with appropriate analysis. Your completed response should demonstrate the following:
That you completed the assigned reading in its entirety.
That you have taken sufficient notes that you can identify and analyze key concepts, arguments, and elements of research that the author uses to express and develop their argument. ‘
That you can reflect on connections between this reading and your developing understanding of the environmental and cultural entanglements among nature and world cultures.
Your quotes must include accurate MLA style citations for full credit. Example: “This is my brilliant quote” (27).
Weekly Instructions
Please spend 200-300 words (per question) answering the following cluster of questions:
Question 1: This Land: What historical insights does David Truer offer into the ways that histories of settler colonialism, land loss, and genocide contributed to the development of the US National Parks system? Please analyze and discuss this theme across the length of the essay, and cite and discuss at least two key moments where Truer offers insight into this history–and its relevance to the present.
Question 2: #LandBack: What stands out to you from David Truer’s proposal to return management of National Parks land to Indigenous tribes and nations? What insights does he offer into the political, cultural, and environmental benefits such a plan offers to Indigenous tribes and nations? Into the ways it offers the US an opportunity to take steps toward healing and accountability within the context of national histories of theft, violence, and genocide? Please respond to this question by analyzing and discussing this theme across the length of the essay, and cite and discuss at least two key moments where Truer offers insight into this plan and the futures it could create.

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