Each student will choose on company to profile or follow throughout the semester

Each student will choose on company to profile or follow throughout the semester.
Essentially, you will search for articles and information related to the company
including but not limited to operational plans and actions, financial reports,
marketing information and industry analysis. You will do this for three months
(January, February and March). For each month, you will provide a dossier that
describes what you learnt about the company and/or its industry, and based on this
information, whether you think this helps or hurts the firm strategically.
You will have three dossiers. Each one will be worth points, and extra point will be
rewarded if all three are completed and submitted on time.
Some specific instructions
1) Each dossier must contain at least three current citations (i.e. they must articles
or information published in that month). A reference list must be provided for
each dossier

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