do some research into techniques that you can employ to improve your memory. Exa

do some research into techniques that you can employ to improve your memory. Examples of some possible techniques you could use include mnemonic devices, associations, flashcards, etc.
Using one of the techniques you’ve found in your research, memorize your list. Once you think you’ve got it, take a break. Come back in an hour or so and see if you can recall the list correctly. Write it down and compare it to the original. Did you get it right? If you did, congratulations! If not, note your errors, take another break, then come back and try again. Did you do better? Keep practicing until you can reliably remember your whole list.
Once you’ve succeeded with your technique, please write a description of your experience. How did you choose your list? What memorization technique did you choose to help you remember it? Was the first technique you tried successful, or did you need to try another one? Could you use this technique in the future to help you remember things?

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