Directions: Choose a peer-reviewed empirical journal article published in the la

Directions: Choose a peer-reviewed empirical journal article published in the last ~10 years that relates to a topic covered in the course (BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY COURCE), then answer the questions below. Please be sure to choose an “Original Research” article (NOT a systematic review or meta-analysis, letter to the editor, book chapter, case study, description of a protocol, blog post, news article, online encyclopedia entry, etc). Please DO NOT choose an article that you have reviewed for another class. When answering the questions below, please use complete sentences (except for Question 1) and use your own words as much as possible. Submissions with large portions of text copied/pasted from the article (or any other source) will not earn credit.
1. Article information:
a. What is the TITLE of the article?
b. Who are the AUTHORS?
c. In what JOURNAL was it published?
d. In what YEAR was it published?
e. What is the DOI? (example:
2. How does this article relate to the topics we have covered (or will cover) In the course?
3. What is this article about? AND Why is the topic important?
4. What was the aim/goal/research question? (Note that the authors may have multiple
aims – please include all of them.)
5. What did the authors hypothesize? (Note: there should be a hypothesis for each aim.)
6. What sample was used? Include the number of participants, their ages, and any other helpful characteristics (was this a healthy community sample? A clinical sample of participants who all had a certain diagnosis?) (Ex: This study examined a healthy community sample of 300 children ages 9 to 10 years.)
7. How did the authors test their hypothesis/hypotheses? What methods (particular tasks, questionnaires, imaging, etc) did they use? In other words, what did the participants do during the study?
8. What were the key results? (Your answer should have statistics/numbers.)
9. How did the authors interpret these results? (Your answer doesn’t have to have statistics/numbers; it should state what the results from #8 mean.)
10. Which of the authors’ hypotheses were supported by the results?
11. What future directions (future studies) do the authors suggest? OR What are the implications of the findings that readers should take away?
12. What did you find confusing about the article? (2+ sentences)
13. What did you find most interesting or surprising about the article? (2+ sentences)
14. How might this article relate to your own life, or to the “real world” in general? (2+ sentences)

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