Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: After you drew an ‘Org Chart’ in Term Project #1 (whi

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
After you drew an ‘Org Chart’ in Term Project #1 (which fulfilled SLO#1 and CLO#1 & 4), and wrote Job Descriiption with competencies and training requirements in Term Project #2 (which fulfilled SLO#1 & 2, as well as CLO# 2, 4, 5, 6), you are now demonstrating your full achievement of SLO#1 and CLO#7 by managing a healthcare foodservice department’s finances in Term Project #3.
Term Project #3 fulfills SLO#1 & 2, as well as CLO# 2, 4, 7, and is worth up to 60 points for the complete and comprehensive solutions of the given budgetary and financial challenges given below. In order to assist you with this task, you are given several documents typical of a healthcare provider organization to review.
As you complete this task, please keep our Student Learning Outcomes and Course Objectives in mind
SLO#1 – Demonstrate basic knowledge of lines of authority and levels of responsibility in foodservice
SLO#2 – Demonstrate an understanding of the process of receiving food from delivery through preparation to service
CLO# 2 – Appraise timesheets, payroll and other employee records including forms typical of a health care provider organization
CLO# 4 – Assess staffing, labor policies, wages, security, employee services and benefits using evaluation strategies typical of a health care provider organization
CLO# 7 – Analyze a healthcare facility’s budgetary needs and employ sound financial reasoning while keeping food quality and customer satisfaction in mind

Introduction and Overview
Based on your textbook readings and after reviewing the Term Project (descriiption, incl. grading criteria)Links to an external site. page once more, please imagine that you are the Dietetics Services Supervisor (DSS), (or Certified Dietary Manager [CDM] or Registered Dietetic Technician [DTR]) employed as the full-time Director of Dietetic Services at Yellow Pines Healthcare, a 99-bed licensed Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF). Yellow Pines Healthcare has an average occupancy of 94 residents; approximately 90% of the residents are consuming daily meals and nourishments (including snacks and nutritional shakes)*.
Your Dietetics Services Department is staffed with the following full-time and part-time personnel: you are the full-time Director of Dietetic Services, there are also 3 cooks, 1 prep-cook, 3 diet aides, 2 dishwashers, and 1 person that helps with deliveries and other tasks as needed. Please review the attached staffing schedule for detail: YPHC Dietary Schedule SEPT 2020.pdf Download YPHC Dietary Schedule SEPT 2020.pdf.
However, healthcare facilities are not always full during the entire year as the census often fluctuates (some patients are discharged or transferred, other are newly admitted). As you learned in our textbook, healthcare facilities have budgets; those are often set under consideration of the ‘maximum of licensed beds’. Because Yellow Pines Healthcare is licensed for 99 beds, most corporations will establish budgets based on a full census of 94. If the resident census falls below 90, the reimbursement (or payments for services) will fall below projected income budgets. In order for facilities to stay within budget and avoid excess spending, wages are usually the first and highest cost to be reduced. Below are the current wages for your department staff:
Food Service Director $35.00 per hour @ 8 hours $280
AM Cook FT $17.50 per hour @ 8 hours $140
PM Cook FT $17.25 per hour @ 8 hours $138
Diet Aide AM FT $15.25 per hour @ 8 hours $122
Diet Aide PM FT $15.25 per hour @ 8 hours $122
Dishwasher AM PT $13.75 per hour @ 6 hours $82.50
Dishwasher PM PT $13.75 per hour @ 6 hours $82.50

Assignment 1:
Assume the current census is 94 residents, whereby 9 residents are exclusively receiving tube feedings (which are supplied by Pharmacy); meaning, only 85 patients are consuming 3 meals and snacks or nutritional shakes per day*; (a) Calculate the Meals per Labor hour, (b) calculate the meals per FTE (full time equivalent), (c) calculate the Labor Minutes per meal, and (d) calculate the labor cost for meals per patient day (PPD). Show your calculations and briefly explain. Worth 20 points.

Assignment 2:
Assume that the census fell to 85 residents (whereby 76 patients are consuming 3 meals and snacks or nutritional shakes per day); the Executive Director ordered that you (as the YPHC Food Service Director) to “Flex” Department Hours. The executive director states the staffing PPD is $10.30. The Food Service Director is salary exempt. Per employment contract, full-time employees are scheduled to work 32 hours or more per week (not counting vacation time). Determine (a) how many hours will be reduced for each shift of the essential workers, (b) which positions will be reduced and to how many hours per day each position will be reduced, (c) calculate the Labor Minutes per meal, and (d) calculate the labor cost for meals per patient day (PPD). Explain and support your findings with credible references. Worth 20 points.

Assignment 3:
Assume you generated the following Food & Supplies Spending Report Download Food & Supplies Spending Report for YPHC; please review it and consider that the month of December was at full expected census (94 residents, 90% are consuming 3 meals and snacks or nutritional shakes per day). Considering you are the Full-Time Food Service Director, Yellow Pines Executive Director/Administrator states they are renovating the facility during the month of January. With a projected temporary census of 85, you must reduce your spending accordingly with the facilities GL (General Ledger). Figure that your December spending was exactly at budget. Now, (a) you have to project (or ‘forecast’) your food spending for the month of January, and (b) calculate your projected Food PPD . Please show your work and explain your results. Worth 20 points.

Each of the 3 assignments is worth 20 points (if your results are correct, and you show your calculations as well as explain your results), for a total of 60 points if submitted by the due date.
Please create a Word.doc(x), and provide ‘numbered answers’ as shown in the example below:
1.a. Calculations:
1.b. Calculations:
1.c. Calculations:
1.d. Calculations:

Once you checked your work for accuracy and completion, please submit it here into the assignment.
* please refer to page 386 in your textbook for ‘Meal Equivalents’, and assume that breakfast has a meal equivalent of 0.67 and nourishments (a.k.a snacks or nutritional shakes) have a meal equivalent of 0.33.

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