Create an educational philosophy document that expresses your beliefs as a Pre-Service Candidate focusing on excellence in teaching and learning. No more than two pages, single-spaced, are required.
Required Elements:
Describe the beliefs of one major educational philosophy, including at least one theorist. Choose from the following:
Constructivism or High Scope Curriculum – Jean Piaget and Emilia Reggio and Lev Vygotsky
Behaviorism – B F Skinner and John B. Watson
Maturationism – Erik Ericson
Multiple Intelligences – Howard Gardner
Social Learning – Lev Vygotsky and Jean Jacques Rousseau
Ecological Systems – George Sessions and Arne Naess
Progressivism – John Dewey
Montessori – Maria Montessori
Anthroposophical – Rudolf Steiner
Describe and explain two components of your educational philosophy.
Clearly reflect and explain why you support this philosophy.
Tie your philosophy to at least two InTASC Standards. Using the indicators associated with the chosen standards, present your own personal experiences in the classroom to serve as meaningful examples of the philosophy.
Address your beliefs or experiences targeting one of the two (2) University Standards as a closing to your Philosophy of Education.
Demonstrate critical thinking.
Include a strong, concise introductory paragraph
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