Create a discussion topic of at least 100 words with at least one cited source t

Create a discussion topic of at least 100 words with at least one cited source to support your discussion on the 2 following topics:
• What can you do to enhance your power in your current position?
• How might a business owner use the technique of tapping social norms to influence his or her employees to lead a healthier lifestyle?
Overview :
Chapter 7 introduces you to power and politics. Students also learn about making better use of power and politics and thus will be able to lead others more effectively. Finally, students learn about exercising control over dysfunctional politics.
Chapter 7 Objectives :
• Recognize the various types of power.
• Identify tactics used for becoming an empowering leader.
• Know how to use delegation to support empowerment.
• Pinpoint factors contributing to organizational politics.
• Describe both ethical and unethical political behaviors.
• Explain how a leader can control dysfunctional politics.
Chapter 8 introduces you to influence tactics of leaders. Students learn about the difference among ethical, ethically neutral, and unethical influence tactics. Finally, students learn about implicit leadership theories and leadership influence.
• Describe the relationship between power and influence.
• Identify a set of honest and ethical influence tactics.
• Identify a set influence tactics relatively neutral with respect to ethics and honesty.
• Identify a set of dishonest and unethical influence tactics.
• Summarize some empirical research about the effectiveness and sequencing of influence tactics.
• Describe how implicit leadership theories are related to a leader’s ability to influence group members.

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