Community: Miami-Dade College. Due December 2, 11:00 PM E.T. Project-Community N

Community: Miami-Dade College. Due December 2, 11:00 PM E.T.
Project-Community Needs Assessment
Please submit your project Report and PowerPoint presentation here. Be sure to review the instructions and rubric carefully before submitting.
1. Read the Community Needs Assessment Guide.docx , and Steps in Action Plan for Community Needs Assessment Project.docx for instruction on:
Writing a 5-10 page Report
Creating a PowerPoint presentation illustrating/summarizing the report
Use the Community Needs Assessment guide to prepare your written report and PowerPoint presentation. Make sure to answer all the items in the Community Needs Assessment guide.
Write your report utilizing proper spelling, grammar, and APA format
View the Grading Rubric posted below that will be used to grade this project.
Typed your report in a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload both files.
Upload your files by clicking “Upload File”.

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