Choose an organization operating in any part of the globe (preferably a super ma

Choose an organization operating in any part of the globe (preferably a super market, hyper market chain (or) a fast-food industry or an electronics equipment manufacturer/distributor, automobile manufacturer or automotive parts or retail products / services.
The organization that you choose should either manufacture or market or distribute some products / services. The competition in these businesses majorly depends upon price, quality, timely delivery and service (which are core aspects of Supply Chain Management). Hence there is immense pressure on all the organizations in these businesses to keep the four aspects mentioned to their supreme best.
As these businesses are the most emerged industries in the recent past, the supply chain has seen huge transformations. These businesses are getting to the maturing stage and so as the transformations in the supply chain management of these business become more and more competitive, the customer gets only the best products / service.

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