BOML 313: Behavioral Economics and Decision Making DISCUSSION 7/WEEK 7: KEEPING

BOML 313: Behavioral Economics and Decision Making
TEAM B.E.D.M., Hopefully you have had the opportunity of “delving” into Part 7 of our text. It is such a good read and an in-depth introspection as it digs into poverty, giving and societal factors and impact. Time, money and knowledge are often referenced to interchange, counteract, intertwine, offset (or however you would like to put it) each other. If I could select a scripture to parallel this part of our study; it would be Romans 8:28, KJV. Let’s suppose though that one is greater than the other. What if the subjects are independent? Which would you think is the most necessary?
B.E.D.M., consider how you have used each element in your life. Which ONE do YOU PERSONALLY need the most of for YOU to have a successful life? Would you choose an abundance of money over time and knowledge? Would you choose an abundance of knowledge over money and time? Would you choose to live at least 100 years over having knowledge and wealth? Know that whichever you pick; you WILL ONLY HAVE 30% of the other two to go along with whatever you want the most of.
Dedicate one paragraph to each question. Make certain each paragraph has four sentences each, tell me:
1: WHICH IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU…time, money or knowledge?
2: IF YOU CAN DESIGN THE PERFECT LIFE, WHICH WOULD YOU PICK to have 100% of and only 30% of the other two and WHY?
3: WHY did you choose MORRIS BROWN COLLEGE to use all three in a major way?
To earn possible full credit; you must have ONE paragraph dedicated to each question accompanied by two positive peer responses of at least three sentences each. Use your own genuine, heart of hearts to express yourself. No Artificial Intelligence/ AI should be used in peer responses or submissions. The detection will be a reflection of your earned score. Do not post links as they will not be graded or accepted. Be mindful of your punctuation and grammar as it can and will affect your grade. Please turn in by 12:00 pm (NOON), November 21, 2023. No late work is currently being accepted in this course. I am so looking forward to reading your responses.

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