Based upon this week’s reading found in the Overview, please respond to the foll

Based upon this week’s reading found in the Overview, please respond to the following prompts/questions:
In your own words, describe the relationship between architecture and space, paying careful attention to the concepts of centered space and living space. (50 words)
One of the four necessities of architecture is its “revelatory requirements.” What does this mean? Choose a newer building in your area and describe what you think it reveals about the values of our current society. (75 words)
Using San Diego county buildings only, find buildings that represent each of the following: earth-rooted architecture, sky-oriented architecture, earth-dominating architecture (so, one building per type of architecture for a total of three buildings). Use this template for your response to this question…copy and paste it or retype it into your document.
Regarding urban planning, do you think that “downtown” high-rise areas should be saved? Why or why not? This question refers to any downtown, high-rise, high-density area…not just downtown San Diego! (75 words)

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