Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine dates back about 1000 years (~1025 AD) and is a com

Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine dates back about 1000 years (~1025 AD) and is a compilation of medical knowledge dating even further back from ancient Greece, Rome, Persia, China, and India. Furthermore, the Canon of Medicine was used as a medical textbook in European universities through the Middle Ages up to about the 1600s. Medicine and scientific knowledge and understanding have obviously advanced greatly since this ancient manuscript was first written and being used. Yet it is still considered to be important.
From this reading, provide two examples that stand out to you for the following and support/explain your selection:
Briefly describe an entry from the manuscript that is clearly wrong and harmful [“bad” information or medical advice]
Briefly describe an entry from the manuscript that is still relevant and used in some form or principle even today [“good” information or medical advice]

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