Assignment is to build a career center for a target population and write a 5-6 p

Assignment is to build a career center for a target population and write a 5-6 page paper with it.
Outline for career center should include:
1. Description of the population and their unique career development / counseling needs
2. Provide a historical context for present day employment and labor trends
Consider how work/career and mental health are related for this population
3. Overview of the career center including a mission statement
4. Include information about the organizational structure, including who the counselors will be and what qualifications they should have
Intended outcomes of the program/counseling interventions
5. An experiential activity with your audience, demonstrating a career counseling intervention appropriate for your population
In addition to your plan outline, you will also submit a paper (5-6 pages) describing your design and the rationales behind it. You will be expected to use at least 4 scholarly references related to your population of interest in preparing this paper.
I have and can provide 4 references currently any additional references would be great. Paper should be in APA 7th format.

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