Assignment Details and Instructions: This file contains the specific requirement

Assignment Details and Instructions: This file contains the specific requirements and guidelines for the task at hand.
Annotated Sources: In this file, you will find the sources I have gathered, which will form the basis of my annotated bibliography. While you may add to these sources, I trust they will provide a solid foundation for the bibliography.
Research Proposal: I have also included my research proposal on the topic of Police Violence. This document outlines my approach to the subject, specifically addressing racial discrimination in the context of police violence.
As you review the sources and assist in the construction of the annotated bibliography, please keep in mind the chosen topic and its nuances. Additionally, I would like to draw your attention to the research question guiding this project: “Can we equate the trust we place in the police with our confidence in our own family?”
One of the sources from The New York Times includes a video that can be watched for free by following the link provided. This piece is particularly relevant to the theme of my research and may offer valuable insights.
I have selected a draft “summarizing your learning goal” section, but I would greatly appreciate your assistance in refining it into a complete annotated bibliography.

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