Assignment Course Learning Outcome (CLO 1) Objective: Analyze the American legal

Assignment Course Learning Outcome (CLO 1) Objective:
Analyze the American legal system and the sources of law as applied to various aspects of business.
Given the template listed below, thoroughly examine Case 4.1 Mayer v. Belichick (on pages 90-91 of your textbook) using this “Case Briefing” template for summarizing and understanding legal cases.
Refer to Appendix 1 in your textbook on pages 703-704 for guidance.
Refer only to the case facts provided in the textbook. Do NOT do outside research.
Use the attached template as your guide for this assignment.
Type your assignment.
Use full sentences rather than bullet points.
Keep the length of the assignment to no more than two pages.
Use one-inch margins and Times New Roman 12-point font (single-spaced).
Use of References/Sources: Refer only to the case facts provided in the textbook. Do NOT do outside research.
Assignment Submission Instructions: Save your assignment as a .docx file.
Include your name in the title of the electronic file for identification purposes, for example “FirstNameLastNameAssignment2” and do NOT use any spaces, punctuation, or special characters in the file name.
When your file is ready, submit it for grading to the assignment dropbox.
Grading: This Assignment is worth 60 points and will be graded based on the Writing Assignment Rubric.
Case Briefing System
You may read more about briefing a case in Appendix 1 of your textbook (pages 703-704). Refer only to the facts provided in the textbook. Do NOT do outside research.
Parties: Who are the parties in the case – who is the plaintiff and who is the defendant?
Facts: What are the facts of the case? (Who did what to whom? What is the behavior complained of?)
Procedural History: Which court is reviewing the case? Is this case on appeal? If so, what is the lower court from which the court is being appealed and to which appellate court is currently reviewing the case?
Issue: What was the legal issue or issues appealed? What law or procedural rule is being reviewed?
Decision: Who wins the court decision – does the plaintiff or the defendant win?
Reasoning for Decision: What rules of law (i.e. statutes, case law, etc.) and reasoning does the court use in deciding the issue?
What does this decision mean for the winning party? Do you agree or disagree with the court’s conclusion? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

Posted in Law

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