Assignment 03: We come from different backgrounds, cultures, states, countries,

Assignment 03:
We come from different backgrounds, cultures, states, countries, etc. Look for an item that you
have in your hometown that is not found in our community around Keiser University. This could
be clothing, service, food, drink, perfume, handcraft, embroidery, or pretty much anything that we
do not have around our Keiser University area. Your assignment is to research this item and detail
it in your paper. This could be like the initial step to starting an international business. You never
know, maybe you will discover an item that you could introduce from your home town to South
Florida and make some money.
Your completed assignment
must be a minimum of two type-written pages of body/text (APA style). I am not looking for a comprehensive business
plan; however, some details that you could potentially build on for the future would be highly
encouraged and expected.
things you need to know im from portugal needs to be something from there

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