As case conceptualisation ties closely to the theoretical approach you adopt (th

As case conceptualisation ties closely to the theoretical approach you adopt (though some conceptualisation models can be applied to any approach you adopt), search for articles that help you on to conceptualise the issue raised based on the theory you have chosen. Remember to cite these articles in your written assignment as references.
For Written assignment (15%):
i. Describe the issue.
ii. Show and explain why your group adopted the particular conceptual
framework based on your group’s theoretical approach (Person-centered therapy)
iii. Describe how the issue is conceptualised, with the conceptualisation framework, to the particular theoretical approach you have adopted.
iv. Based on the conceptualisation above, propose a treatment plan for the issue.
v. Highlight the strengths and the setbacks in adopting this framework.
vi. What your recommendations would be in choosing framework for case
vii. Word limit – not more than 1300 words.

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