answer this 2 questions: 1/Using information from the book, give a complete answ

answer this 2 questions:
1/Using information from the book, give a complete answer as to why it would be advantageous for the hotel to have a guest check out in person at the front desk.
2/ Using information from the book, give a complete answer as to why it may be advantageous for a guest to check out in person at the front desk. (NOTE: this answer is not to be the exact opposite of question one above. In other words, it needs to be different topic for the reason.)
by using this case: The number of times that most current hotel guests have actually gone to the front desk to check out can probably be counted on one hand at most mid-sized hotels.
Guests often depart as fast and covertly as possible. Also, if there is a line at the front-desk, they are much less likely to physically walk up to the front desk and check-out.
The entire check out process—however straightforward may appear entirely superfluous to a guest because they do not face any consequences for not doing so. In fact, hotels have often streamlined the process in order to create a cost savings scenario on payroll and and quick and efficienct departure for guests.
So, does a hotel require you to physically come to the front desk and check out? The short answer is no, but after reading the chapter, there are valid justifications for doing it. Sometimes the reasons benefit the guest other times they benefit the hotel. Although it is unlikely that most hotels will ever revert back requiring guests to physically come to the front desk to check out, for some guests it might be the best decision to do so.

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