Answer the two discussion questions D1: Doherty and Boss (1991, p. 611) state “

Answer the two discussion questions
D1: Doherty and Boss (1991, p. 611) state “the myth of value neutrality is dead” as it relates to clinical practice. Describe how you think your values and morals might impact or come into play in the therapeutic process.
D2: Value Neutrality
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Do you believe it is possible to be value neutral in therapy? Why or why not? What benefits or problems do you think value neutrality might pose?
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy text
Ch. 1 Values as Context for Therapy, pp. 2-22
Hartsell, T. L., & Bernstein, B. E. (2013). The portable lawyer for mental health professionals: An A-Z guide to protecting your clients, your practice, and yourself (3rd ed.). Wiley. (ISBN: 9781118341087)
Wilcoxon, S. A., Remley, T. P., & Gladding, S. T. (2014). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in the practice of marriage and family therapy, updated (5th ed.). Pearson. (ISBN: 9780133350821)

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