An Educational Plan is a semester-by-semester plan of your college courses. To d

An Educational Plan is a semester-by-semester plan of your college courses. To develop an accurate and effective Educational Plan, you need to have a clear educational goal. This requires you to know your major and what you are trying to accomplish – Certificate, Associate Degree, or transfer to a 4-year university. Please read the Educational Planning PPT before beginning this assignment.
After reading the Educational Planning PPT, answer the following questions regarding your Educational Plan for the next two semesters. You do not need to meet with a counselor to complete this assignment. However, I highly recommend meeting with a counselor once every semester to discuss your educational goal and to accurately develop your Educational Plan. All the materials you need to develop your two semester Educational Plan are located in the Educational Planning PPT.
**If you had an Educational plan made by a counselor recently (this semester), you can also upload your plan as your assignment instead of answering the below questions.**
Answer the following questions. Click on the link above, type your answers in the submission box, and submit your work for grading.
1) What is your educational goal – Certificate, AA, or transfer to a 4-year university? If you are planning on transferring, which 4-year university are you planning on transferring to?
2) Which general education pattern are you following – AA, CSU, IGETC, or out-of-state/private university requirements?
3) What is your major?
4) What classes are you planning to take for Spring 2024? Please list each course and the units for each course. Then, total the number of units for the semester.
Engl 120 = 3
Math 103 = 3
Art 100 = 3
AOJ 110 = 3
Total Units = 12
5) What classes are you planning to take for Fall 2024? Please list each course and the units for each course. Then, total the number of units for the semester.

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