An Agency interview, agency interview report, program evaluation and powerpoint

An Agency interview, agency interview report, program evaluation and powerpoint is needed for the nonprofit program listed below . The program selected to use is Canine COmpanions Facility Dogs – Canine Companions.
step 1- Complete the agency interview and agency review report. A summary of the agency interview plus your own reflections and critique is required. The following components should be included: 1) information about the agency and/or program, including name, location, etc.; 2) information about the interviewee, including title and responsibilities; 3) a summary of the interview; 4) are you ready to proceed with the evaluation plan? The length of the agency review report should be 4-8 pages. APA

Students will interview either a practitioner or program manager/administrator of the organization/program that students plan to evaluate. In the interview, students will ask such questions as how the practitioner evaluates her/his practice OR how the organization evaluates its program(s). In addition, students will learn more about the need to be evaluated. It is important to note that the purpose of this interview is to learn the practitioner’s or organization’s need to improve or change his/her practice or its organization/program(s). The interview can be done by email, phone, or face-to-face methods. To organize and conduct your interview successfully, please consider the following components:
Introduce yourself and the program evaluation proposal assignment.
Introduce why you want to interview a practitioner or program manager/administrator of the organization/program.
Explain why you are interested in the organization/program.
Ask how the practitioner evaluates his/her practice OR how the organization evaluates its program(s).
Discuss what the interviewee might like to see changed or improved for future service, if needed.
2.A Program Evaluation is needed for the same nonprofit canine companions. A separate program evaluation is also needed for the nonprofit Pet Partners. Please see the attached requirements for the program evaluation.
3. A powerpoint presentation is needed for the program for the program evaluation
.Examination of Peer-Reviewed Articles Relevant to the Program Evaluation Proposal (For your personal use)
Briefly review of current published works relevant to your program evaluation proposal (5 articles published within 5 years). The works can be studies or reports that help clarify the agency genre, target populations(s), problem definition(s), or that contain useful examples of measures, appropriate designs, examples of analyses, etc.Then provide the published works in the table.
Summery Table of Peer-Reviewed Articles Relevant to the Program Evaluation Proposal
In which section the study would be helpful?
Study Design
Data Analysis

Program Evaluation Proposal Plan
Students will be required to develop an actual program evaluation proposal based on information from a previous or current internship placement or workplace related to social work. This assignment aims to provide students with methods and skills of evaluation as well as professional analysis and writing skills in evaluating practice, program, and/or policies. At the end of the semester, students will present their program evaluation proposal with a PowerPoint presentation and Zoom presentation formats. 30 minutes max.
This is group assignment. Groups should be developed by the 6th week of this semester. The group will have more works to be done (see the below section, IX. Other Requirements). Each group will develop and present a PowerPoint presentation via Zoom or Big Blue Dot in Canvas and provide a copy of the presentation to your instructor along with the Peer Review Forms.
Here are the sections to be included in the proposal.
I. Introduction/Background (2-3 slides)
A statement of the problem (including background information) that the particular program or policy is aimed at ameliorating, preventing, or resolving
An overview describing the agency and the program to be evaluated. Include the logic model of the program.
A discussion of the reasons (need) for conducting an evaluation of this particular program or policy and a description of the potential uses of the evaluation information to be generated.
A description of the evaluation environment, including the receptivity of the administration, staff, and other stakeholders to an evaluation, and the readiness of the agency or program to be evaluated.
A statement of literature search strategy/ies should be included. This brief statement (e.g., not more than a page) should state what and how students searched (e.g., library databases, web pages, etc.) and the words and word combinations students used to search.
A detailed description of the services offered or extant polices (the “independent variable”)
A statement of the specific impacts expected upon the problem (outcome objectives or “dependent variable [s]”) to be achieved by the programmatic effort or policy.
A statement of the specific question(s) the evaluation is intended to answer. (This step is analogous to explicating the research questions(s) in academic research.)
A description of the evaluation research design used to control for intervening variables, including a statement of the limitations or weaknesses in the design and/or the sample, if any.
A description of measures to be used in collecting information about program or policy outcomes, including a statement of any limitations or weaknesses in the measures. Important: Attach copies of the actual instruments and protocols to be used.
A description of how the data will be collected (who, when, and where), using what procedures.
A description of how the evaluation data would be analyzed. Remember you are not gathering any data. Show how you would analyze data, using “dummy” (fictive) data, tables, graphs and/or charts. Show what summary measures and statistics (as appropriate) students would use for data analysis, computing these from dummy data. [Use future tense when students write this section, not past tense, along the following lines: “In order to give the reader an understanding of how the data will be analyzed, let us assume the proposed measures have been implemented and the data have been collected. This is how the data will be displayed and analyzed… etc…”]
A description of the processes, channels, and media students will use for distributing the evaluation results. What presentations and written reports are anticipated, and which stakeholders will receive them? How do students expect the report to be utilized by these parties?
Show a timeline for the steps in an evaluation plan.In general, a one-year plan would be appropriate.
II. Description of the Agency and the Program1 (4-5 slides)
III. Method2 (3-4 slides)
IV. Sharing Results2 (1-2 slides)
VI. Timeline2 (1 slide)
VII. References
The list of references that students used in the previous sections.

More than 10 references; at least 5 peer-review journal articles
Proofread your slides before it is turned in.

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