Also, remember that all information and ideas obtained from a source, regardless if it is integrated by quoting or paraphrasing, must include both an APA Style in-text citation and reference. Additionally, no more than 20% of the essay should consist of quoted text; use your judgment to make this determination, along with the Originality Report.
Here are some very important reminders about the essay:
It must follow the Dewey Sequence, following the pattern of organization and including the content required for the 3-2 prewriting/planning.
The thesis statement must clearly indicate the problem and solution.
The essay’s claims must be based on research/cited support, including the solution and how to implement it. Since this is a research-based essay, there should be numerous APA Style in-text citations, and it is very likely that cited support will need to be present in each body paragraph.
If something is not common knowledge (common knowledge is information the average American knows), even if you possess the knowledge, you must include an in-text citation referring readers to a source of it.
The essay (with the exception of the hook) must be written in third person.
There must be strong topic and concluding sentences.
It should meet or exceed all of the minimum requirements (see the assignment sheet).
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