Almost daily there are stories in the news about new regulations and the process

Almost daily there are stories in the news about new regulations and the process by which these regulations are enacted. Keep in mind that regulations are primary vehicles by which agencies implement specific laws and general agency objectives. What is the role of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)? As you read, consider where the authority to issue regulations originates. OIRA’s role in the federal rulemaking process has been highly controversial in presidential administrations.
Focusing on the regulatory process, research the Internet and watch a local or national news program. Consider any story you find from this week that pertains to the regulatory process.
Post a 300- to 350-word response in which you address the following questions:
What did you learn about the regulatory process from this week’s readings?
What is OIRA and why is it both controversial and important?
What are the differences between system 1 and system 2 thinking and in what decision-making situations may one be more appropriate?
How can regulatory agencies address tendencies toward human error?
What is learned from the “plate, not pyramid” example?
Include appropriate references to the assigned readings to support your statements.
Apply correct APA citations and format to your response.

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