About the Paradox Please view the below video and read the article “Why Hispanic

About the Paradox
Please view the below video and read the article “Why Hispanic-Americans live longer: the mystery that has puzzled researchers for decades”. You may also conduct your own personal research into this topic in order to better grasp the trends of the paradox.
Your Task
For this assignment, you will be answering the following question:
What is the Latino Paradox? (3 points)
What are factors contributing to the Latino Paradox? (12 points)Describe at least two ways in which the Social Ecologic Model (intrapersonal, interpersonal, community, political spheres) relate to this topic when conducting your answer. (5 points)
Grading and Submission
Individual assignment 3 is due on Saturday, November 4th by 11:59 PM. You may submit it either as a text box entry or as a Word or PDF file. It is worth 20 points, with the point values indicated above.

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