A “Policy Advancement” paper is needed. APA Length of Paper = 3 – 5 pages double

A “Policy Advancement” paper is needed. APA Length of Paper = 3 – 5 pages double-spaced with citations/references (include book references)
Policy Advancement: Children/Youth Assignment. The student will identify a critical issue impacting children and/or adolescents. After identifying the issue, the student will research the issue to identify a policy or programmatic intervention that focuses on the issue. An example may be an important issue involving youth facing homelessness as a result of aging out of foster care. A policy addressing this issue is Mississippi Admin. Code 18-006-104 part IX. The student will discuss statistics regarding the issue and discuss the Mississippi Admin Code.
The student will use the issue to discuss presenting concerns and identify the shared needs of the population. Make an assessment formulation of the policy need or intervention intention and then write a description of how a policy or intervention will address the needs of children represented in your assessment. Select a theory and evidence-based research intervention(s) and apply. In the case plan, discuss steps towards implementation as well as obstacles to service delivery. Lastly, describe the mental health vulnerabilities of this population (consider diversity), and the protective factors that may offset risk. Last, use this opportunity to consider your experience in developing this assignment. Consider your social work role, and what you realized as you did this work. Use this opportunity to practice professional self-awareness.
APA Length of Paper = 3 – 5 pages double-spaced with citations/references (include book references)
Discussion post needed- I. Share as a discussion post the Policy or Program that you have chosen as the focus area for your Policy Advancement paper
II. Share in the Discussion Board “Why” you chose the Policy or Program to write your policy advancement paper on? Respond in two or three sentences only. But not over five (5).
Respond to the two other student’s discussion post below – For example, you might state, Hello Solandra, I like the policy that you have chosen to write your policy advancement paper on. I’ve always wanted to know more about policies and/or programs that serve our youth who are aging out of foster care. Great choice.”
1. Choose a “POLICY” or a ‘PROGRAM” to write your paper on. For example, when did the “mandatory reporting laws” go into effect? How/why did the requirements come about? What are the requirements for the law/policy?
In your policy class, one of the outcomes that you learned was the fact that not every policy is or becomes a law. But policies are developed whenever laws or legislative acts are put into effect.
If a student chooses to research a “Policy” an example might be “mandatory reporting laws”. The student would report in her/his paper that state laws came from a federal law (The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act [CAPTA]). Examples of things the student might include in the paper include history of the law, statement of what the law is, when it was enacted, why it was enacted, amendments to the act over the years, etc. Since the law required states to implement the law, there may be differences in each state regarding who might be considered to be “mandated reporters.” Therefore, a student might choose to discuss the specific law in Mississippi and how it is interpreted/enacted in Mississippi.
If a student chooses to report on a “Program” there are many federal, state, local, and private non-profit programs that focus on child abuse and neglect prevention or services for families and children. For example, Child Welfare League of America, Children’s Bureau, The Children’s Advocacy Center, etc. Programs are implemented or provided by an entity/agency (federal, state, local, non-profit, group, organization, etc.).
FOCUS ON POLICY OR PROGRAM: Again, do not use your Policy Advancement paper to discuss an “issue” other than to provide background information regarding the issue/problem in the introduction. In the section.introduction you would want to discuss the following:
a) The importance of the issue that a policy/program was developed in response to
b) Historical information regarding the issue. For example, when did the U.S. first recognize the issue and possibly what was initially done regarding the issue
c) What are statistics regarding the number of children impacted?
d) What children are impacted by the issue
e) Finally in the introduction discuss what policy or program you will be discussing in your paper regarding the issue.
After the introduction, you will provide more detailed information regarding the “Policy” or “Program” that your paper is about. This should be about 3-4 pages. But not less than two or more than 4 pages double spaced.
APA FORMAT: The APA Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition) is used as the guide. You will follow the guidelines for “Student” papers. A sample student paper is located on pages 61 thru 67 in the APA Manual. A couple of other things I noted include students still attempting to “label” the beginning of the paper with the heading “Introduction.” This is incorrect and will be graded as such. The student’s title of the paper is centered at the top of the first page in the body of the paper. Then, you double space and begin your paper without a heading labeled as “Introduction”. Readers understand that it is the “introduction” by its location at the beginning of the paper. See page 61 of the 7th edition of the APA Manual.
After the opening of your paper (with an unlabeled introduction), you will begin to use multiple headings in accordance with the guidelines for headings formatted in the APA Manual. Most student papers will have only a “Level 1” heading (Centered, Bold, Title Case Heading). After a Level 1 heading, if you desire to break that Level 1 heading down to discuss multiple classifications/categories, etc., you may choose to use a “Level 2” heading (See page 62).
Policy Advancement: Children/Youth Assignment. Identify a policy or programmatic intervention that focuses on children or youth and follow a typical assessment outline (that you learned in SW 581 Practice I), using the issue as the presenting concern and identify the shared needs of a population. Make an assessment formulation of the policy need or intervention intention and then write a description of how a policy or intervention will address the needs of children represented in your assessment. Select a theory and evidence-based research intervention(s) and apply. In the case plan, discuss steps towards implementation as well as obstacles to service delivery. Lastly, describe the mental health vulnerabilities for this population (consider diversity), and the protective factors that may offset risk. Last, use this opportunity to consider your experience in this developing this assignment. Consider your social work role, and what you realized as you did this work. Use this opportunity to practice professional self-awareness. 4-5 pages double-spaced.
REMINDER: The final paper is only worth 80 points due to the draft paper being worth 20 points.
Area of Assessment
High Achievement
Medium Achievement
Low Achievement
Student’s Points
Overview/Purpose: Choice of a policy or program to examine related to children or youth
9 – 10
Excellent choice of policy or program at macro level that impactgs children/youth and is narrowly and clearly defined
7 – 8 Points
Good of sufficient choice of topic that impacts children
0 – 4 Points
Introduction: Student(s) defined the issue by a) Obtaining background information on the issue; (b) obtained statistics from a reputable source; (c) provided a history of the issue; (d) identified what makes the issue/problem a concern
9 -10
All elements discussed with clarity “a” – “d”
Issue further broken down to describe children/youth impacted (a) identified shared needs of the population (i.e. it is not just impacted by one); (b) discussed mental health vulnerabilities of the population and issues of diversity; (c) protective factors discussed as it relates to minimization of the effects on the identified population
16 – 20
Clearly presented/discussed all required elements on the issue/program”a” thru “c”
Identified the following:
If Policy: Provide a description of how the policy will address the needs of the children/youth; history of the policy and amendments to the policy, if any. Sponsors of the policy; what do you see as strengths and/or weaknesses of the policy.
If Program: what population is served by the program? History of the program and needs addressed (described how the program would address the needs of the population); Steps toward implementation; obstacles to delivery of program’s services to the population
Describe the impact of the program on the population identified; strengths and limitations of the program
16 – 20
All areas clearly addressed from a policy or programmatic standpoint as identified in column # 1 “Areas of Assessment.”
Did the student(s) select a theory or evidence-based research interventions and applied it to the policy or program?
The theory or evidence-based research was appropriate for the program.
The literature was reviewed to determine the effectiveness of the program
16 – 20
Theory/evidence-based research intervention discussed as outlined in column # 1; Evidence that appropriate literature was reviewed
10 – 15 Points:
9 and Below Points:
Student(s) described their experience in developing the assignment;
The student(s)considered their role in policy development
The student(s) described what they realized as the assignment was completed
16 – 20 Points:
All three (3) areas of self-awareness were addressed. The discussion was clear and descriptive.
10 – 15 Points:
Two (2) areas of self-awareness were addressed. The discussion did not provide clarity in at least two areas.
9 and Below Points: None or only one area of self-awareness was addressed. The discussion was not clear and descriptive
APA format used as applicable
Appropriate number of citations including journal articles, governmental agencies, or reputable/credible organizations
9-10 Points:
Provides citations of at least 5 recent jpurnal articles within the past 8 years; preferable peer reviewed. All citations are included on the reference list in APA formatting
0 – 2 APA or grammatical errors
7 – 8 Points:
Provides citations of at least 3 recent journal articles within the past 10 years; preferable peer reviewed. All citations are included on the reference list in APA formatting
3 – 5 APA or grammatical errors
0-4 Points:
Cites less that three journal articles and all are beyond 10 years old. Improper APA citations provided.

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