3.  According to Giallombardo, many female inmates engage in marriages with fell

3.  According to Giallombardo, many female inmates engage in marriages with fellow female inmates during their incarceration.  There is some debate as to what percentage of female inmates participate in these prison marriages, it is said that these relationships help provide companionship and a feeling of belonging for the female inmates.  In your opinion, should correctional facilities attempt to intervene in these relationships?  Why or why not?
4.  While there is some debate regarding female marital relationships, Giallombardo argues that there is a strong prevalence of kinship relationships amongst female inmates.  That is, female inmates often develop close relationships with their peers, and take on roles of familial members (mom/daughter, aunt/niece, siblings, etc.) amongst their fellow inmates.  In your opinion, do you think these kinship relationships are likely beneficial or detrimental to the inmates?  Why?
Answer them separately, please
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